Friday, June 24, 2011

off to the hospital...

Well, the last time I felt Luka move was Wednesday night around midnight. I could recall a couple other days where I didn't feel him move at all so at first I wasn't too worried about it. We walked around West Edmonton Mall yesterday and I figured he'd probably start moving once I laid down in bed at night like he usually does. But he didn't! (Before I continue I will just mention that everything turned out fine... I don't even think anyone reads my blogs but whatever.... If you do - I don't want you reading this thinking something bad happened the whole time until you get to the end. :) ) I woke up 5 times last night and every time I did I tried to get him to move, but nothing.

This morning I woke up, and still nothing. Kyle asked if he had moved during the night or at all in the morning and I said no and started to cry. Luka has 'stoped moving' about 4 times now... some days I just don't feel anything. But usually once I get in bed and relax I can feel him. But this time I didn't. My mom, sister and Kyle and I were all poking at my stomach for a while trying to get him to move. He didn't kick back or move at all the whole time. I ate a cinnamon bun for breakfast thinking some sugar might help, but still nothing.

So, we drove home from Edmonton and I called the health link line on the way home since my doctor's office is closed Fridays. The nurse said if I wanted I should go to the hospital asap and they would check for his heart beat. Once we got home, mom, Kyle and I went to Rocky View Hospital; which is where I will be delivering Luka, too.

3 different doctors saw me while I was there, I don't know why 3 different ones did, but they did! Not that it really matters. Anyways, they were all really nice. They hooked up the heart rate monitors and we heard his little heart going! We got to hear it for an entire hour because they wanted to monitor him and make sure it was beating consistantly. The 2 doctors who saw me the most both looked at the piece of paper that prints out to show his heart beat, and said it was the 'most beautiful' heart beat they've seen. I laughed at that, how cute. His heart beat would drop down to around 110 and then suddenly shoot up to the 160's. At first I was concerned but they explained that is how it's supposed to be and his was doing it perfectly! I am so glad my bebe is okay!! They said we could come back anytime if he quits moving again.

It is pretty weird sometimes. When the heart rate monitors were on, we could all tell he was moving because when he did it would make a wooshing noise, and it was obvious that he must have moved. But I couldn't feel anything! I think he must just be getting pretty squished in there and has decided its not very fun to move around so much when theres no room for it. :)

On Sunday we will be 34 weeks along!

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