Friday, February 25, 2011

So much to think about!

I have been doing lots of thinking lately! And I think my sweet baby has been doing lots of growing, because every day my tummy feels like it is stretching more. Things with the pregnancy have been going very well! A few days out of the week I've been getting some really bad cramps. I'm also getting a lot more head aches lately, and my ears, especially my right one, have been aching for over a week. I'm not sure if this has to do with pregnancy, or something else, but my ears really hurt! My grandma suggested one night to rest my head down on a heating pad and that has helped every time I've done it.

So, back to me thinking. Recently on facebook, a girl I know posted about how her and her family are considering starting a 'raw' diet, and she was a bit flustered at everyone giving her their 'advice' on why a raw diet isn't the best thing. When in fact, raw diets can actually be very beneficial. There are many ways of eating that can be beneficial, but it just comes down to what you want to do and what you feel like is best for you and your family, and what you enjoy. And as she wrote, "What is it to you what I eat?" What does this have to do with my pregnancy? Well, what is it to you how I birth my baby? When I was pregnant before, I was already set up with a Midwife team who I unfortunately never got the chance to meet with because of my miscarriage. I have done endless research on all options for birthing a baby, including a trip to the hospital and sticking with a doctor. When it comes down to it, I know my body better than anyone! I know how strong I am, I know what I can and cant handle, and I will do what I feel is best for myself and my baby. I understand some people might just be concerned, but just because it isn't a path you would take, or you don't know much about it, doesn't mean it's bad. I don't need everyone telling me when and how and where to do something, I am a grown woman and I can chose what I feel is best for myself. I am not putting down doctors, hospitals, C-Sections, or anything else. I am not even saying that I am for sure going to go to a midwife. I would be for sure going to one, but unfortunately there are ZERO registered midwives in Lethbridge. The closest midwives to Lethbridge are located in High River. I am going to email them and see about being put on their waiting list, but High River is about an hour away from Lethbridge. A friend of mine also spoke to me today about a few other options, and I really appreciated her advice. I will be calling the hospitals in Lethbridge and the surrounding areas to find out their policies on water births, because that is something I am especially interested in.

I would also like to add that many people seem to have the impression that if you go with a midwife you will be stuck in a nightmare in case of an emergency or if something goes wrong. Midwives are able to administer many different types of medicines to their patients, and have way more tools and equipment then the average person realizes. If all else fails, there is always 9-1-1. Just because you go with a midwife, doesn't mean your birthing experience will be a re-enactment of something that would happen in the 18th century. It is just a much more calming, natural experience, and there are so many benefits. Quicker recovery times, a calm, relaxing environment, the ability to control your birthing experience the way YOU want to - even when things do change. If you don't know much about midwives, water births, and other natural birthing methods and want to know more - there are countless resources!!!

There is nothing wrong with going to a midwife, there is nothing wrong with water births, nothing wrong with hospitals, doctors, C-Sections, home births - To each his own. You know what is best for yourself.

Benefits of Water Birth


Natural Child Birth

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