Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jan, 18, 2011

Today was my second Doctors appointment. Kyle was able to come with me this time, I was very happy about that. It was basically just a routine check up. The doctor was really great, and I am happy we will be able to see the same one each time we have a visit. She said everything looked great!

We got to hear the babies heart beat today. It is the second time I've heard it but the first time Kyle has. It was really nice to be able to experience that together. I think Kyle really enjoyed it. It is such a cute sound!

Things have been going very good! I don't feel so nauseous anymore, but I still feel really tired. My skin is dry, and my baby bump is starting to show! :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ultra sound

I just got home from the Naval Hospital on Camp Lejeune where I had my first ultra sound! I am so happy now!

Once they called my name I went back and the nurse put warm jelly on my tummy. I was happy because I always heard everyone saying the jelly is cold, and I didn't want cold jelly. Warm jelly was nice. :) Then she used the little ultra sound thingy and it didn't take long at all before we saw the baby!

I am 9 weeks and 4 days along, so every Sunday from now on will mark a new week in the pregnancy! So, this coming up Sunday, I will be at 10 weeks!

The baby was moving around a lot, the nurse said he (Obviously we don't know the gender yet, but I tend to call the baby 'he', so the baby is going to be 'he' until further notice.) was 'dancing'. It was the cutest thing in the world!

We watched the baby for a minute or so before she let me hear the heart beat. Even though I could see him moving around, I was still anxious in the moments before I heard it. But once I did, it was amazing!! I think it was at 180 bpm, it was super fast, and so cute! I felt so happy to hear it. wooosh wooosh wooosh woosh! It was cute!

The baby was sitting kind of on the right side of my tummy, and I have had some pains right where he is. I asked the nurse about it and so she looked for any cysts but there was nothing there, which is good! She said it is probably just normal pains, everything trying to fit inside of me and getting all stretched and squished around.

So, after that another nurse talked to me for a few minutes going over my medical history. She gave me a booklet with lots of information about pregnancy, and some other papers about all the different classes they offer at the Naval Hospital. They were some pretty neat pregnancy classes that I might sign up for.

Then I had to go get blood tests done. I hate these things. Blood tests are seriously the worst medical test thingy anyone could do to me. They took 7 viles. That is a lot. The nurse asked me if I usually do okay when I get my blood taken. I said "Not really." and then explained to her that I just get very nervous about it, and usually get light headed but nothing super bad. So she said she would try to get it done as quickly as she could. The first few weren't bad but on about the 4th one, my stomach started feeling sick, my head got dizzy and I started to feel really hot. It was not fun. When she was finished, I tried to stand up and I think I blacked out for a split second because I just fell back into the chair. So she helped me walk to the back of the room and made me lay down for 20 minutes. I hate getting my blood taken. After that I had to pee in a cup, which wasn't bad, besides the fact that I didn't have to pee.

All in all it was a great day! It took 2 hours to get everything done, which I guess isn't too bad. I am just so happy to have seen the baby and heard his cute little heart beat! My next doctors apt. is January 18th.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Jan 5, 2011

So, I wanted to make a blog strictly dedicated to my pregnancy. I was thinking about buying one of those pregnancy journals, but I decided I will just make a blog and print it all out at the end. Right now I am almost 10 weeks pregnant, but tomorrow morning we will have a better idea of how far along I am because we get our first ultra sound!

Things have been going well so far. Besides being paranoid some days, since losing our first pregnancy, and besides morning sickness, I feel pretty good. I have a lot more symptoms this time than I did last time I was pregnant, and I know every pregnancy is different and some women don't have symptoms and have healthy pregnancies, and blah blah blah, but it is actually comforting to me that I am throwing up and feeling exhausted.

I have had some food cravings but nothing very strong yet. I really want KFC and Chips though, how healthy does that sound? So far I've only had one bag of chips and have resisted the KFC. I am trying to stick to healthier options, but I will indulge in these cravings occasionally. I had some Salt and Vinegar chips last night and they were to die for! So crunchy. Delicious. I am noticing that the smells of certain foods really bothers me. I make Kyle eggs in the mornings and smelling them makes me feel disgusting. Meat smells gross too, raw and cooked. Some days everything I eat tastes disgusting, and other days everything tastes delicious.

I am having troubles sleeping most nights. I just can't seem to get comfortable. I also have really weird dreams now, and a lot of them have been scary, so I wake up a lot in the night. I can't seem to get a solid nights sleep anymore. It is nice to be able to take naps during the day.

That is all I can think of for now! Tomorrow morning at 9 I get an ultra sound to see how far along I am and hear a heart beat! I am so very excited. I am so thankful to be pregnant. I am so thankful that my prayers were heard and answered and now we can start our family.

PS. As I am sitting here trying to itch the itchy spot on my back I just can't reach, I thought of another tid bit to add! My skin is SUPER dry and it itches like crazy because of the dryness. Mostly my back, legs, and face. My skin has never been this dry, it is crazy. I slather lotion on and it sucks it right up and still feels just as dry as before. Itchy itchy itchy dry dry dry!!!